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عبارت خود را درج و جهت جستجو "Enter"را بفشارید

In today's era, the internationalization of universities is one of the most important topics raised in scientific societies, which has a significant impact on the developments of higher education, social and cultural structures. Today, internationalization in higher education is not only related to the transfer of students, but it deals with different dimensions and requires reforming the program, improving the quality in education, research and treatment.
Kashan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services:
Kashan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services was established in 1986 as a Faculty of Medical Sciences. Currently, this university has five faculties of medicine, nursing, midwifery, health, allied medical sciences and dentistry, as well as self-governing campuses and ten research centers with the titles of trauma research center, anatomical sciences, physiology and biochemistry and nutrition research centers in metabolic diseases, Trauma nursing, germ cell production, social factors affecting health, health information technology, autoimmune diseases and infectious diseases is one of the best universities of medical sciences in Iran .Currently (year 2023) this university has 304 faculty members.The graduation of more than 16,000 students and the training of more than 2,000 general practitioners and 400 specialists are among the other honors of this university so far.
Medical faculty:
Based on the approval of the Second Meeting of the Development Council of Medical Sciences Universities of the country dated 1986, Kashan Medical Faculty was established in 1986 and officially started working with the admission of 150 students in the field of medicine, and in 1993 the first course of the medical group of this faculty became graduated. 
Faculty of health: 
The Faculty of Health of Kashan University of Medical Sciences was established in 1996 according to the mission of the university in order to provide, maintain and improve the health level of the society and with the aim of training capable human resources to provide services that provide health to the society. The faculty members of this faculty are 27 and so far 4724 students have graduated from this faculty. 
Faculty of nursing and midwifery:
The nursing and midwifery fields of this university were established in 1986 in the Faculty of Medicine at the University according to the approval of the 14th meeting of the Development Council of Medical Sciences Universities in the country, and in 1991 with the establishment of the Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, it started its educational and research activities. Currently, there are 24 faculty members in this faculty.
Faculty of allied medical sciences: 
Following the establishment of Kashan Faculty of Medical Sciences in 1986 and the admission of students in the fields of medicine, nursing and 
midwifery, this faculty accepted students in the associate degrees of anesthesia, laboratory sciences and operating room by obtaining permission from
the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education in 1992. From the following year, the associate degree in radiology was also added to the
above-mentioned fields, and practically the core of the Allied Medical Faculty of Kashan University of Medical Sciences was formed in that year 
under the title of the Department of Allied Medical Education. Currently, there are 21 faculty members in this faculty.
Faculty of dentistry:
Based on the vote issued in the 220th session of the Council for the Development of Medical Sciences Universities dated 2012, a definite agreement
was reached with the establishment of the Faculty of Dentistry in Kashan University of Medical Sciences. The first dental faculty of Kashan was 
launched in 2013,  with the admission of 35 students in this city. This faculty has 10 educational groups and 21 faculty members.
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