
today : Feb 13 2025


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Physiology Research Center

One of the most important axes of sustainable development of countries in the modern world is to maintain people's health in society. Although health care is the responsibility of the healthcare system in the first place, it is necessary to remain agile and up-to-date in this system, to conduct targeted research in health. In addition, the speed of change and transformation in human societies, the expansion of communication, and the increasing development of technology have increased the incidence and prevalence of various diseases and even emergencies, doubling the need for research in health and knowledge production. Among the fields of basic medical sciences, physiology is considered as a mother field, and physiological studies and studies throughout the history of science have contributed significantly to understanding health and disease concepts and mechanisms.

The Physiology Research Center of Kashan University of Medical Sciences was approved in principle by the Expansion Council of Medical Universities of the Ministry of Health on January 13, 2009. This establishment has been aimed at expanding research and advancing human knowledge in the field of Physiology.

During the years of activity, the Physiology Research Center of Kashan University of Medical Sciences has enjoyed positive annual growth in research outputs, and with such potential, it hopes to make a small but effective contribution to the development of science and technology in the country by producing its research achievements.

The research priorities of this center are research in learning and memory physiology, neurodegenerative diseases, neuropathic pain, cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy and seizures, and addiction.

Our research center has a lot of setups like the Square maze, the Morris Water Maze, in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology recording systems, and isolated tissue recording system.

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