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Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery


School of Nursing and Midwifery in Kashan has been established in 1986 as the first school in Kashan University of Medical Sciences. We have 37 years history of education and research in the fields of Nursing and Midwifery. With more than 4000 graduates, we are playing a leading role in the education of tomorrow's nurses and midwives in the area.

Our students receive wide range of practical experiences, from nursing skill laboratory to hospital wards. Faculty members are leaders in nursing education and research. Now, we have four full time professors working in this school.


Majors and Degrees

The school of nursing and midwifery offer four majors:


  1. Bachelor of Science in Nursing

         This 4 year educational program includes wide range of theoretical, practical and clinical knowledge and skills for the students.

  1. Master of science

         Master of Science in nursing includes four specialty subgroups:

  • Intensive Care Nursing
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Geriatric Nursing
  • Psychiatric nursing
  1. PhD in nursing

        Since 2014 we have been qualified to accept students in PhD degree in nursing science



  1. Bachelor of Science in Midwifery

        In this four years education program, students prepare to provide professional care for pregnant women and the infants. All the        caring  aspects of delivery are covered in the curriculum. The graduates can work in delivery and women's services. Students should be a responsible agent of delivery for 80 women before graduation.

  1. Master of science

This major was started in 2023 with 6 students.

   Surgical Technology:

  1. Bachelor of Science in Surgical Technology

      In Iran surgical technology is an independent major and students pass a 4 years program in theoretical courses such as physique,      anatomy, microbiology, surgical diseases and surgical technologies. The theoretical courses are followed by practical and clinical courses. In the last year of the education students are solely in operating departments and can provide preoperative care in general and specific surgeries.


Pre-hospital medical emergency

  1. Associate degree in Pre-hospital medical emergency

This 2 year educational program includes wide range of theoretical, practical and clinical knowledge and skills for the students about how they care of patients before coming to hospital. In this university this major was started in 2010 with 18 students.

  1. Bachelor of Science in Pre-hospital medical emergency

This 4 year educational program includes wide range of theoretical, practical and clinical knowledge and skills for the students about how they care of patients before coming to hospital. In this university this major was started in 2023 with 19 students.


Current Situation

The School of Nursing is situated in the Kashan University of Medical Sciences compound, a 7000 square meter building in 3 floor that gives students a place for interaction, and team work. Programs in the School of Nursing are approved by the Nursing Education Program Approval Board in Ministry of Health.

Class Sizes

Class sizes vary depending on the educational program in.  In general, our class sizes are approximately as follows:

         3 Lectures: 100-200 students

         5 Lectors: 50-70students

        3 Seminars: 16-64 students

        Clinical Experiences: 7-10 students

        Skill Laboratory: 16 students

At present 36 full-time academic staff are working in our school. We also benefit from wide range of temporary academics that are invited according to their specialties and experiences to provide education for the students. 26 staffs provide clerk services for the school. 17 students in PhD degree, 107 students in Master degrees and 600 students in bachelor degrees and 30 students in Associate degree are currently studying in our school. In average every year 150 students are graduating from our school. Our graduates are very successful in finding job and the name of school of nursing and midwifery in Kashan University of Medical Sciences guarantees their abilities and professional competencies. 


Other Activities

The school of nursing and midwifery is publishing the scientific journal of Nursing and Midwifery Studies since 2012. English is the official language of our journal. This quarterly journal tries to publish scientific topics in nursing and midwifery specially the original works of the scholars in the region and the world.  Our journal is indexed in Web of science Core Collections, PubMed, Index Copernicus, CINHAL, COPE, ISC, and IranMedex.

The trauma nursing research center has been established in 2012 and tries to provide a ground for researches in different aspects of trauma, from prevention to rehabilitation.

The school is holding a national Congress every 5 years. Three national congresses of Gerontology Nursing (2007) and Holistic Nursing (2012) have been held successfully by this school.


        Computer room for undergraduate students

        Computer room for postgraduate students

         4 Conference Room


        Theater Room

        Skill Laboratory

        Different clinical wards in 4 educational hospitals

Contact Information

School of nursing and midwifery has been located inside the Kashan University of Medical Sciences compound, 5 kilometers from Kashan city center in the Ghotb Ravandi Highway.

Address: Kashan, Ghotb Ravandi Highway, Nurse Road, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, School of Nursing and Midwifery. Postal code: 87159, 81151

Tel: +983155589392

Fax: +983155589392

Website: http://nursing.kaums.ac.ir/

Educational Departments

There are four educational Departments in our School:

 Department of Medical Surgical Nursing

Department of psychiatric, pediatric, and community health nursing

Department of critical care and Pre-hospital medical emergency

 Department of Midwifery

Department of Surgical Technology

Department of general and language  


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