
today : Feb 13 2025


عبارت خود را درج و جهت جستجو "Enter"را بفشارید

In 2030, Kashan University of Medical Sciences is one of the top ten universities in the country in terms of the health of the covered society as well as the production, publication and use of health knowledge and technologies in compliance with Islamic values and ethical principles. To achieve the goal defined in the vision horizon, Kashan Faculty of Medicine intends to reach an excellent position according to the internationalization of the faculty and the promotion of its scientific and technological status at the macro level of the region.
Kashan Medical Faculty will try to be one of the most successful faculties in the country in the next 5 years in establishing international scientific communication and attracting foreign and domestic students in various fields of basic sciences and medicine.


We are going to train students being superior to their professors as professionals 

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