
today : Feb 13 2025


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Matini Hospital was built in 1344 by the late Mr. Matini, one of Kashan's benefactors, and was put into operation in 1346. The center has general surgery, pediatrics and emergency departments to provide services to patients. After that, the eye, ear, nose and throat wards replaced the general surgery ward. In early 1990, the pediatric ward was transferred to Shahid Beheshti Hospital and this center continued to operate as a specialized eye, ear, nose and throat hospital. Outpatient units including clinics, paraclinic (laser), audiometry, laboratory and reception, discharge and cash units were located in the basement and ground floor. The first floor was dedicated to the assembly hall and the Trauma Research Center. The Trauma Research Center was transferred to Shahid Beheshti Hospital in early 1985, and has now been replaced by a Refractive Surgery Center (LASIK) and a speech therapy unit. This hospital, with its committed medical facilities and staff and with experience in diagnosing diseases and treating patients, has been able to provide desirable medical services to the people of Kashan and other neighboring cities.

Bed capacity: 50

Available Bed: 46

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